God loves you with an Amazing Love!

Amazing Love Prophetic Letters

Behold there is a new day is coming, a day of My fire and My presence. Seek Me where I might be found. For surely as the day starts to dawn, many shall run away. For the unfamiliar brings terror, but the fire of My love is all consuming joy!

Rejoice My children, for the Father's delight is to embrace His own. There is nothing to fear except fear itself. In the melting flames of His love, two shall become one; one heart, one flame, one love.

Seek Me while I may be found. Many are distractions, many are the fears.

Release My people, Let them go - let them go!

It is for freedom I died, freedom from sin. Release My people, let them go!

Take not up the offenses of others, seek Me and Me alone.

Many are the distractions of the hour, many are the problems. Know ye not that in Me all the solutions dwell? In Me is all knowledge, wisdom and victory!

I would not have you ignorant My child, for many will come in My name, but I never knew them. My own know My voice, they will not listen to another. False doctrine, false prophets, false teachers shall abound. Be not concerned, for in the fire of My love true prophets, true teachers, true apostles shall evolve. In the fire of My love - the "church" shall come forth. It shall be called out, chosen, sanctified and empowered.

"Would you let the world go, let go of the past, that you might follow Me? Extend your hand, cry to Me, your Father! Come into My secret place, the special place of rest, holiness, glory. Leave yesterday, don't be afraid of tomorrow."

The Word say that the pure in the heart shall see God. We must cry out for God to purify our hearts. We must ask God to free us from hidden sins, from the presumptuous sins. God can illuminate our minds. He can set us free in those dark areas where torment and fear abides.

Do you want to walk in faith? Do you want to be free from all fears, even those you do not know about and don't talk about? Do you want to be free from your compulsive behavior? Are you afraid of change?

Cry out to God! Tell Him: "I am not afraid of change. I choose not to be afraid of change in my life. I choose to trust you, Lord, in change. I don't want to clutch anymore when you say, "let go".

Lord, I want to let go! I desire my security in You, Lord.

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