God loves you with an Amazing Love!

Amazing Love Ministries Recent and Upcoming Events Conferences for Women, Men, and Couples (Page updated October 31, 2014)

In Song of Songs, this is what God says to you: "I love you... let me hear the sound of your voice... winter is past, flowers cover the earth... it's time to sing... our vineyards in blossom... we must catch the little foxes that destroy the vineyards... You are in the garden with friends all around, let me hear your voice!" Song of Solomon 2, 8

Join host Mary Winchell

Mary is the author of the book "Amazing Love Letters". She travels internationally sharing prophetically how Christ empowers individuals to live victorius lives. Mary has spoken on radio, the television network TBN, and been guest speaker for various Christian denominational functions. Her focus is to bring hope, love and strength to people everywhere by the power of God's Holy Spirit. She makes you laugh, cry and ponder how much God loves you and desires to fill your life with His goodness!

Dec. 13th, 2014!
Mary will be ministering "The Amazing Love of God" at

"A Company of Women" Christmas Celebration in Lake Katrine, NY.

Prophetic Prayer, Worship, and Teaching

Hosted by:
Mary Winchell - Amazing Love Ministry
Diana Lee - God's People Ministry International
Erin Schindler - In His Hands Ministry
Monique Johnson

Sat., Dec. 13, 2014 - 1:00 PM - 4 PM
Ulster Town Hall
1 Town Hall Drive
Lake Katrine NY 12449

Send R.S.V.P. by Dec. 1st, 2014
Diana Lee (336) 514-0085
Erin Schindler (845) 626-4232

Come and be blessed.

Psalms 133 - His oil and dew pouring upon us as we fellowship and worship Jesus our Lord!

To hear Mary right now via streaming audio, visit our Conference Recordings page.

Since 1972, Mary Winchell has touched thousands with the truth and love of Christ through her "Amazing Love", counseling ministry and outreach conferences.

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Doctrinal Statement | About Mary | Prepare the Heart Prayers

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