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How to use these: Set aside a quiet time to be with the Lord. Thank and praise Him for His goodness. Pray each prayer with your whole heart. Don't rush - it may take several days. Repeat these prayers periodically in your walk with the Lord as affirmation of your position in Him. Record your prayer time, prayer requests, praise reports inside. God bless you as you grow closer to Him!
- 1. Doctrinal affirmation
I declare there is only one God who exists as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord - the son of God who became flesh and dwelt among us. I believe that He died for my sins that I would be forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life. Jesus was raised from the dead and sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for me. I Believe that Jesus:
-destroyed the works of the devil and his coworkers
-has been given all authority in heaven and earth
-died for me while I was still a sinner - I am loved!
-delivered me from domain of darkness, placed me into His kingdom of light - I'm redeemed, forgiven!
- 2. Generation/Ancestral sins:
I reject and disown all the sins of my ancestors because: - I am delivered out of the kingdom of darkness - because Christ became a curse for me - because I am purchased by Christ's blood and belong to Him only. I cancel: - all demonic works that may have been passed on to me from my ancestors - cancel every curse that Satan and his co workers have put on me - cancel all satanic assignments that are directed towards me and my ministry through Christ - cancel any and every way in which Satan may claim ownership of me - I reject all other blood sacrifices whereby Satan may claim ownership of me - I cancel all vexes, hexes, spells, jinxes, physic powers, charms, bewitchment, witchcraft and sorcery towards me. Thank you Father that I am delivered from this present evil world and the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
- 3. Rebellion:
Father, you have said that the sin of rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry. I know in action and attitude I have sinned against You with a rebellious heart. I ask your forgiveness for my rebellion and pray that by the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ all ground gained by evil spirits because of my rebellion would be canceled. I choose to adopt a submissive spirit and a servant's heart. In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord.
- 4. Deception:
Dear Heavenly Father, I know that You desire truth in the inner self. I admit I have been deceived by the father of lies throughout my life. I admit I have even at times deceived myself. I ask in the name of Jesus by the shed blood and resurrection that all deceiving spirits be rebuked and I command them to leave me. I ask You, father to search me and try me and if there be any hurtful way in me, lead me in the everlasting way - guide me into all truth.
- 5. Abuse:
I choose to forgive those who have abused me emotionally, physically and/or sexually. I ask you, Lord, to break all bondage and soul ties brought into my life by Satan through this situation. Jesus has cleansed me by the power of His blood and filled me with His healing and Holy Spirit. I am pleasing and acceptable to Him and through His Spirit I walk a victorious abundant life.
- 6. Sexual Sins:
Lord, as You reveal to me any use of my body that has been in unrighteousness (fornication, adultery ...) I renounce that activity with the person involved and ask You to break the bond and soul tie involved in the act. I renounce all these uses of my body in unrighteousness and ask You Jesus to break all bondage brought into my life by Satan through this involvement. I confess my participation. I present my body to You as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to You. I renounce the lie from Satan that my body is not clean and in any way unacceptable to the Lord. I choose to accept myself, cleansed by the blood of Christ.
- 7. Lust of flesh, Lust of Eyes, Pride of Life:
I recognize that I am to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh in regard to lust. I have given in to fleshly lusts (if applicable - pornography) which do wage war against my soul (1 Pet. 2:11). I have given the enemy an opportunity to wage war in my members and have transgressed Your Holy law. I come before You, Lord to acknowledge these sins and seek cleansing that I would be free from bondage. Reveal to me the ways I have broken Your law and grieved the Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus that my sins are forgiven and by the blood of Jesus - I am cleansed - washed white as snow! I worship You heavenly father and declare Your Name and the Name of Your Son Jesus be exalted in all the earth. Amen.
- 8. Substance abuse:
Lord, I confess I have misused substances (alcohol, food, prescription or street drugs....) for the purpose of pleasure, to escape reality and cope with difficult situations. I admit this abuse harms my physical body, my mind, and quenches the Holy Spirit. I renounce the lie that my worthiness is dependent upon my appearance or performance. I renounce any satanic connection or influence in my life caused by the misuse of chemicals or food. I renounce the lie that I am evil or that any part of my body is evil. I ask your forgiveness and I cast my cares upon You, Lord. I commit myself only to the Holy Spirit. I announce the truth that I am accepted by Christ Jesus just as I am. I now confess these sins to You and claim the blood of Jesus for my forgiveness and cleansing. I cancel all the ground that the enemy may have gained through my willful involvement in sin. I ask this in the wonderful name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
- 9. Abortion:
Lord, I confess that I did not assume responsibility of the life You entrusted to me. I ask forgiveness for ending that life by abortion. I choose to forgive myself and choose to accept forgiveness. I commit my child To You for your care in eternity in Jesus Name.
- 10. Suicidal tendencies:
I renounce the lie that there is peace and freedom for me by taking my life. I choose life in Jesus Christ who came to give me life abundantly. I refuse Satan's lies for Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy. Thank you for filling my life Holy Spirit with all I need to live.
- 11. Homosexuality, Perverse Sexual Behavior:
Lord, I renounce the lie that You created people to be homosexual or to participate in deviant, perverse sexual behavior. I declare that You clearly forbid this type of behavior. You created me a (woman/man). I renounce all bondage's of Satan that have perverted my relationships with others. I am free to relate to the opposite sex as You intended.
- 12. Occult/cult practices:
Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to guard my heart and mind. I ask you to reveal to me any and all involvement I have had either knowingly or unknowingly with cultic or occult practices, false religions, and false teachers. For any that I have participated in I ask forgiveness and renounce them as a counterfeit to true Christianity. I confess I have sinned against You Lord and Your Word by: (name involvement) -using horoscopes - had fortune told - been hypnotized - used astrology - attended/participated in yoga, seance, spiritualist meeting, consulted channeler or medium, had a reincarnation or life reading - been involved in Christian Science, New Age, or other mind science religions: unity, Science of Mind... - sought spiritual healing other than through Christ - played with occult games: ESP, Dungeons and Dragons, telepathy, Cabala... - practiced levitation - used clairvoyance to find lost object - practiced automatic writing - possesses charm for protection like rabbits foot - taken mind expanding drugs: LSD, marijuana - practice meditation - possessed objects from pagan religions.
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