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Amazing Love Prophetic Letters

Prophecy Given on 9/19/97

For yeh, this is the day I have made and I will have you rejoice in it and be glad in it. For though the winds blow, though the north winds blow, though the east winds blow, I call My people to a place of stability in Me -- believing in My Word, believing in Me. They are not to be moved by circumstances, feelings, or thoughts outside My Word. For this is the time I would establish My People. I would have them come to a place in Me where they will not be moved. I am calling you forth from a place of fragility, to a place of stability.

I'm going to establish My Church and you shall not shake, you shall not wither and you shall not fall or be bruised. I call you out from this world, out from the tears, and I would shower My love upon you. I will pour My anointing upon you and that which is against you is against Me.

Come My Beloved, come My Bride, and come away to the secret place. Come away with Me for though the winds blow and the storm rages, you shall not be wounded, you shall not be bruised, and I shall keep you as the apple of My eye.

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