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Prophecy Given 12/2000
Seasons change and as you look forward to the change from every day life will I not bring change into your life? Sometimes the change is not comfortable, my children, sometimes change is difficult. But you need a variety to life. Look forward to the change. And I will change and I will move, and I would put a new perspective in your mind that you may have a deeper insight and come to a deeper knowledge of who I am. For you see through a mirror darkly but some day we shall see face to face.
So be not afraid of the changes that are about to take place in the earth. Be not concerned but know that I am the finisher and author of your faith and I shall lead you beside quiet waters and I shall restore you in the midst of the storm, in the midst of the conflict. You shall see me and you shall not be afraid for the fear of man is a snare. Fear not the future, for the future is in Me.
For am I not your future and your hope? And in Me are your wellsprings. And I shall bring forth within you wellsprings of life and I shall refresh you and I shall restore you. And I will renew you as you look toward Me. Look not to the face of man for acceptance for surely you shall not see it. Rejection abounds, but look toward Me, for I am acceptance. For I accept you.
For the days go by, for the months go by, for the years go by and you would say: "Where are you God? Where are you? I do not see your hand." Look back, look back in the past, do you not see My hand upon your life, do you not see where I kept you, where I met you, where I kept you from the storm and even though the waves came, have I not kept you?
Oh, my sons and my daughters I will take you to new heights in Me and I will call you to depart from the spirit of this world and come to a higher place in Me. And as you come to the higher place and as you look down surely this world will diminish and will be not so imposing and it's hold on you shall be broken. For I will not have you caught up in the fear of man, fear of tomorrow and fear of yesterday, but I would have you look toward tomorrow and Me, that your faith and hope will be in Me, that your future would be in Me.
Would I not give you a future and a hope? For little trials in life, little foxes, try to steal your joy. See them for what they are, little foxes upon your paths. Be not overcome by them, they are little foxes. Busy, busy, busy, running there, running here. Where are you going? What have you seen, what have you heard? Know that I am God, for in the stillness of the night I shall speak to you and I shall warn you, I shall warn you of those things that come to defeat you. And I would strengthen you and I will empower you to come against those things, to be victorious.
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